H trying Vegemite for the first time. He pulled a few funny faces and kept going!
I try to give Little Big H a bit of variety for breakie but I do find myself making a version of the below recipes quite a bit. Most often he gets: Scrambled Eggs with Avocado, Bircher Muesli with Berries, Fruit Puree with Yoghurt and Chia Seeds, Porridge with Grilled Banana and Raspberries. I change it up by add ingredient like; fresh seasonal fruits cut into pieces so he can feed himself or toast cut into fingers with a smear avocado or cheese and Vegemite.
Scrambled Eggs with Avocado
- 1 organic free-range egg
- A splash or two of milk
- 1/2 Avocado
- Whisk the egg and milk in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat scraping the bottom of the pan in order to achieve a lightness to the egg mixture. Once set allow to cool slightly
- Slice Avocado and server with eggs
Porridge with Grilled Banana and Raspberries
- 1/2 cup of organic oats
- 1 banana
- Handfull of raspberries
- A little oil (coconut oil is best)
- Cook oats as per packet instructions. (I use 1/2 cup of oats with full cream milk). Using a grill plate or a frying pan add oil. Slice banana in half length ways and grill until you active a nice colour and the banana has softened slightly - Don't over cook or it will turn to mush
- Add porridge to bowl and top grilled banana and fresh raspberries
Makes enough to serve Mum and Bub
Bircher Muesli with Berries
- 1/4 cup Organic Bircher Muesli
- 1/4 cup Organic Natural Yoghurt or you could use milk
- 2 tbls Water
- Berries or any fresh sessional fruit; to serve
- Combine Bircher Muesli, yoghurt and water. Leave to soak overnight in the refrigerator
- The next day; stir add berries/fruit and server

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