Green smoothies are to H what lollies are to a lot of kids – he absolutely loves them. Guaranteed if we walk past a juice bar, he will drag me kicking and screaming until he gets one – he loves to choose the ingredients and it has become his little treat after daycare a couple of times a…
Mango, Pineapple, Lime and Coconut Tapioca
This really is a deliciously healthy snack, dessert or even breakfast. Mango, Pineapple, Lime and Coconut Tapioca is also perfect to freeze. I simply warmed the mixture a little and it was perfect. So double the recipe if you like and freeze what you don’t use for another day – enjoy…
Lychee, Pineapple and Apricot Puree
This is my idea of summer – A refreshing puree of lychee, pineapple & apricot. Perfect for baby and the entire family. No cooking which is always a bonus and could be served as a snack or with a dollop of natural yoghurt for breakfast. Baby will love it…
Sugar Free Custard for Baby
Making custard at home is a really great option. You can be guaranteed that it is sugar-free and free of all other nasties – something I am very particular about when feeding my son. This is an easy custard recipe and baby will love it. Stir though a little pureed fruit for a natural sweeter…